Tuesday, July 31, 2012


I know it has been a while since I've posted. But after quitting my job my life was suppose to slow down while I found another job but it really sped up. During my last week at my old job I got called for an interview. It was the perfect job! It is exactly what I thought my next move would look like.

In a period of 2 weeks I was interviewed twice, offered a position and accepted!!!! This meant that I only had one week off and I had already used half of it by doing absolutely nothing. :) But come on... I got the job that I wanted!!

Let me tell you what I will be doing (and this is one of the very very few times I will talk about my job). I will be coordinating the undergraduate education program at a nationally recognized big university. WOOHOO!!! The best part... I get to go shopping for a new wardrobe! (Also, that now I have a steady paycheck again is HUGE plus! :))

During the only week I had off I tried to spend a lot of quality time with Isadora since with the new job I will start one hour earlier and finish an hour later. Also, in the beginning, I will rarely work from home. This has been the most challenging piece of accepting this new position. I know that I will have a hard time with adjusting. Isadora, unlike her mommy, will be fine!

So let me share one thing we did...

I have been planning Isadora's birthday for the last 2 months. It helps stay focus on a task that I can control, see progress and has a positive outcome, especially when so much in my life is changing at once, (Control freak anyone?!) My friend asked me what could she get Isadora for her birthday and honest to God I couldn't think of one single thing that she really needed. Don't get me wrong we don't buy tons of toys or things for her but she has all the essentials. Who needs another coloring book? Or another ball? When she would be totally entertain with a spoon and a pot so I don't need to go running to buy the latest, trendiest Melissa and Doug ($50) tambourine. To each one their own but with Isadora being the only child, granddaughter and niece I have to be very intentional when it comes to teaching her values. Ok... sorry for the rant, I'm off my podium!.

So I decided to do something different for her b-day this year. With the invitation we will include a list of supplies for a local school who works with children in the community and have very few resources. I know she is only 2 and there is some (being an understatement) limitations of what she can grasp but I have started telling her that she is a very lucky girl because for her birthday she will get to give gifts away to other children.

I am not telling her that she is doing things for the needy, poor or less fortunate. Why elevate her sense of privilege? And those descriptors are a huge pet peeve of mine since they were created by over privileged people! (oops ranting again!)She will be doing something because is the right thing to do. Hopefully we will able to make this a tradition!

Isadora while I was explaining the b-day deal. I think she only cared about finishing her cupcake!