Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Isadora is turning 2! I have been planning her birthday party for a couple of months now. I know she is only 2 and she may not even remember it. But... what I have learned is more planning = lower budget! When I have planned last minute parties means that I have to do last minute purchases and can't wait for sales or shop around. So this year I decided that I wanted to keep it low budget but fun and very creative.

I have to give a shout out to Pinterest because man the ideas that I have gotten from really talented individuals have made planning this party a load of fun. I will be posting the different stages of the party this week and for my final post I will include the final product. Hopefully it turns out as great as in my head.

The first thing I did was to pick a theme that did not make me feel like Pepto Bismol had thrown up in our house. So we (really I) picked Olivia the Pig. She is awesome!! There is no pink which is a breath of fresh air and you don't really have to buy a lot of character items since the colors are what make her who she is. Also, her character is a spunky, independent, funny and witty little girl who achieves whatever she puts her mind to. Not bad for a pig! :)

The color scheme for the party are red, black and white. The colors and design I used are very common which allowed me to find cheap materials:

Second, I developed a personalized invitation using the color scheme and her picture. I printed several of them in 5 X 7 at Walgreens for less than $10. Major save!!! I did this using a program like Publisher, Photoshop or Paint. The key is to find a program that allows to convert the invitation into a JPG so you can have it print as a photo card.

I searched around in websites like Etsy, Pinterest and Google images to find the perfect combination for the invitation. The picture is a nice touch and it makes a great gift for grandparents, aunties and uncles.In the next post I will go over decorations and games in a budget!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


I know it has been a while since I've posted. But after quitting my job my life was suppose to slow down while I found another job but it really sped up. During my last week at my old job I got called for an interview. It was the perfect job! It is exactly what I thought my next move would look like.

In a period of 2 weeks I was interviewed twice, offered a position and accepted!!!! This meant that I only had one week off and I had already used half of it by doing absolutely nothing. :) But come on... I got the job that I wanted!!

Let me tell you what I will be doing (and this is one of the very very few times I will talk about my job). I will be coordinating the undergraduate education program at a nationally recognized big university. WOOHOO!!! The best part... I get to go shopping for a new wardrobe! (Also, that now I have a steady paycheck again is HUGE plus! :))

During the only week I had off I tried to spend a lot of quality time with Isadora since with the new job I will start one hour earlier and finish an hour later. Also, in the beginning, I will rarely work from home. This has been the most challenging piece of accepting this new position. I know that I will have a hard time with adjusting. Isadora, unlike her mommy, will be fine!

So let me share one thing we did...

I have been planning Isadora's birthday for the last 2 months. It helps stay focus on a task that I can control, see progress and has a positive outcome, especially when so much in my life is changing at once, (Control freak anyone?!) My friend asked me what could she get Isadora for her birthday and honest to God I couldn't think of one single thing that she really needed. Don't get me wrong we don't buy tons of toys or things for her but she has all the essentials. Who needs another coloring book? Or another ball? When she would be totally entertain with a spoon and a pot so I don't need to go running to buy the latest, trendiest Melissa and Doug ($50) tambourine. To each one their own but with Isadora being the only child, granddaughter and niece I have to be very intentional when it comes to teaching her values. Ok... sorry for the rant, I'm off my podium!.

So I decided to do something different for her b-day this year. With the invitation we will include a list of supplies for a local school who works with children in the community and have very few resources. I know she is only 2 and there is some (being an understatement) limitations of what she can grasp but I have started telling her that she is a very lucky girl because for her birthday she will get to give gifts away to other children.

I am not telling her that she is doing things for the needy, poor or less fortunate. Why elevate her sense of privilege? And those descriptors are a huge pet peeve of mine since they were created by over privileged people! (oops ranting again!)She will be doing something because is the right thing to do. Hopefully we will able to make this a tradition!

Isadora while I was explaining the b-day deal. I think she only cared about finishing her cupcake!

Monday, June 25, 2012


I have finally and officially quit my job! From the moment I decided to resign of my position I felt a huge weight lift from my shoulders. But today it was like life was given back to me. Don't get me wrong I like what I was doing but it got to a point that 80% of my job was to deal with bureaucracy, excuses and personalities. I am still not sure what I am going to do but the sky is the limit.

I am honestly happy to be moving on with my life but more importantly to serve as an example to Isadora. Sometimes in life we need to take risks so we can be happy. I always play it safe and it has cost me many tears, headaches and stress. So today I took a stand for ME! I will not survive but I will live life. I will not settle but search and find my passion! I will bet on me every time!

Sunday, June 24, 2012


I think every parent wants to teach their children the essence of kindness but how we go about it is the hard part. How do we help each other without minimizing the other person's reality and pain? How do we help someone without having the savior mentality? How do I teach Isadora to be there and present for those that are her family (blood or not)? How do I teach her that kindness starts by being good to ourselves? By example.

By being Latina and a woman the messages my daughter will receive from the outside world will tell her that she is not good enough, strong enough. That she needs to be helped and saved and when she proves them wrong she will be called an exception.  She will be called at risk, minority and who knows what else. However, I know that despite all the dirt she hears she will be strong and accomplish everything she wants. How I know this? Because she will constantly hear one main message loud and clear. MINE!

Since my baby was born I have made it my goal to stress 3 main values/messages in her life:
  • Be Kind! Especially when is hard.
  • You are worth it! You are loved and no matter what we will always be there for you.
  • Reach for the stars! You can do whatever you set your mind to.
I can only hope that my voice is loud enough during tough times and that I have lived my life by the same principles so is always good to put them in writing. This way I will never forget what is important and how to get there. 

Monday, June 18, 2012

From Potty to A Nightmare!

Since I have to use my vacation time before I quit my job I took the week off. I decided that it would be a good time to start actively potty training my daughter. She is 21 months and knows what a potty is and more importantly has been taking her diaper off way too often. So, before I attach a carpet cleaner bottle to her waist permanently, I thought I would try to potty train her.

As the OCD person that I am I did my research and read from the 3 day method to the let them tell you when they are ready method. I think the more I read the more confused I became. Give candy as reward, don't give food as reward, feed them salty and watery food, feed them as you would regularly... etc. etc etc. Needless to say that Isadora is not potty trained but she actually had a "potty nightmare" last night. LOL! She woke up screaming "Isa potty, pee pee & poo poo, MAMA!!!!" (OK at 5am the screaming was not funny especially since she didn't want to leave the bathroom and wanted to watch the potty like a hawk. I think I potty traumatized my daughter!)

Part of my potty training method included not leaving the house for the day so we could visit the potty as often as possible. However, we ran out of things to do pretty fast. I was looking through "pinterest" (my new obsession) and found this great recipe to do teething biscuits with unused baby cereal. I had plenty of baby cereal that Isadora didn't want and what better than a sugarless healthy cookie?

I adapted the recipe from the Imprintalish Blog. I am not sure about this blogger but my cookies were more than bland and not even the dog would eat them. I did change the banana for apple sauce so maybe it made the cookies a little flavorless.  I will share them with the daycare person and maybe the babies there will love them (or not but at least they will be out of the house). Even though the cookies were not delicious, we spent an awesome time together. However, we will be giving potty training a rest for a couple of weeks so I am off to buy more carpet cleaner.

 She tried the dough and hated it! :)
 She made some of the cookies herself
The final product! I only had snowflakes and Frankenstein cookie cutters LOL!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Creativity Goes Beyond Arts and Crafts

As an ARMY wife with a 3rd time time deployed hubby, I have gotten use to being creative and doing many things on my own. One of the most challenging task has been traveling alone with my toddler. Keep in mind that I am a little anal  (my hubby would say a LOT!) and that is no different when it comes to traveling. I was stressing out from the moment I booked my tickets until I got to my final destination. I have been traveling with Isadora since before she was even 3 months old but I had always done it with the hubby. Also, babies are not mobile so running like a maniac in the airplane was not a worry of mine.

To Puerto Rico (6mnths) when we could still carry her

Ok... so I survived my trip with flying colors and I thought that any little thing I learned was worth sharing because it may prevent someone from getting an ulcer, heart attack or look like they just came out of a storm.

I decided to purchase a seat for Isadora and believe me it was the best decision in the world. I couldn't imaging my 14 month old staying on my lap for the entire trip. But the moment I bought the seat I knew I needed to bring my car seat. "Oh SHIT!!!  (that was my first thought) How I am going to carry Isadora, diaper bag, car seat and stroller?!" So my research to compact my items began. My main goal was to bring as many necessary things as possible in the least amount of space. Does this sounds familiar? I think this is what we do every time we take our kids anywhere.

1. First problem: how to carry the car seat and stroller without dropping my baby? Solution: I have a huge car seat that is heavy and has no freaking handle to move from one place to the other. But I LOVE it! So after visiting numerous blogs I found the perfect solution to my car seat and stroller problem. I bought a Go Go Kidz Travel Mate ( I haven't been paid by them to advertise their product but I would do it for free anytime).

The Go Go Kidz was super easy to install and it worked as a stroller. It was better because it was way more comfortable. During security check in I didn't have to take the car seat out so it was a breeze. It also fits in the aisle of coach so it made boarding a lot better. (However, I didn't figure this out until I was leaving the last airplane on my way home). Having the car seat in the airplane was great because Isadora stayed in it and took a nap without any fussing. She knows that she is not supposed to get out of the car seat when she is in it so it transfer nicely to the airplane.

2. Second Problem: What should I bring? Solution: Forget diaper bags. I took a backpack that was medium size (so it fit nicely under the seat in front of me). I t didn't kill my back or kept falling off my shoulder.

On the backpack I carried:

1. finger foods -- snacks that are easy for her to eat, are fun and are not super messy. Also, snacks that you can give one by one or can take her awhile to eat =)
2. small books -- we always take one new and her favorite book. You never know what she is in the mood for.
3. Legos/Blocks -- I put a handful of Legos in a Ziplock bag to keep her busy.
4.Computer with DVD -- pick your poison
5. Sippy Cup -- bring it empty and ask for whatever drink your child is in the mood for in the airplane.
6. Diapers -- one for every hour
7. Wipes
8. Extra clothe for her and me -- for her I tried to bring one-piece pieces if possible because they take less space and are easier to put on. For me I just bring an extra shirt and hope that my pants miss the action.
9. Paci, blankie -- whatever is her safety object
10. Disinfectant
11. Energy bars for me -- with a toddler sometimes is hard to get any food, especially if you are anxious about the flight. Energy bars will keep you going but are easy to eat with one hand, one finger or in a rush.
12. Coloring book and a few crayons (3-4)
13. Eggs with surprises - I saved some of the Easter eggs and fill them with chocolate or fun toys that she can open once in a while. However, these are my "prevent a meltdown" toy.
14. Something for you to get entertained -- if you are lucky your baby will take a nap so you may have a few minutes for you. I either download an e-book or a movie. Something that is not extra to carry but already in my computer or Ipad.

Few unsolicited advice:
I try to fly as early as possible. I know this time is when Isadora is in her best behavior and is more likely to take a nap.

Before boarding the airplane I try to find an indoor playground at the airport and let Isadora burn some energy. Most airports have one and if they don't you can find an empty gate area and let her play, climb, etc.

I try to divide the distractions in three: boarding toys, during fly toys and landing toys. I am constantly offering food and drinks. I use an overnight diaper so I don't have to change her diaper unless she poops. I always try to not get her out of her car seat because I know as soon as I do that it will be a pain to put her back in. In a flight of 2.5 hrs is possible to keep her in her seat for the entire time. However, flying to Puerto Rico it is very hard (flew there and we had to walk down the aisle). Make friends with the flight attendants from the beginning that way they become your allies. If all else fails bring a bag of cheap ear plugs and hand them out. =) People will at least laugh.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

What I want to be when I grow up?

Remember when people asked you that question? I think I changed my mind all the way until my last year of college. When I was 5 I wanted to be a professional traveler, at 7 I wanted to be a teacher, at 13 I wanted to be a politician (WTF?!) and when I was 18 I wanted to be a lawyer. I ended up being an educational psychologist which I am still not sure how to define it to my parents.

What I know... I don't do therapy but friends and family still think I do. I have little to no knowledge about psychotropics (I only know the fancy term LOL!). That no matter how much I explain it to everyone people still ask me why I don't open my own practice. To my mom I chose this career because I couldn't get into law school (which by the way I never applied to!).

I am currently watching one of those design show again. And it dawn on me that if I were to choose a career today it would be very different. Some of the options I came up were:
  • Handywoman -- I LOVE LOVE to build crap. I can see a beginning, middle and end. There are no shades of gray in the work (unless I'm painting). 
  • Event Planner -- I am outgoing and can be creative if I need to, especially with other people's money. 
  • Home Decorator -- again I would do great with other people money!
 Ok... I know what you are thinking. STOP watching HGTV!!!!! But who knows maybe my future career is somewhere in there. Keep u posted!

Monday, June 11, 2012

New Journey

Even though I am two weeks away from quitting my job I already feel I have started my new journey. Ok... is not obvious by my current activity which is watching HGTV while chilling on the sofa but I think this picture couldn't portray it any better.

I honestly don't know exactly where I am heading (we were actually kinda lost) but I know we are going to be okay.