Monday, June 18, 2012

From Potty to A Nightmare!

Since I have to use my vacation time before I quit my job I took the week off. I decided that it would be a good time to start actively potty training my daughter. She is 21 months and knows what a potty is and more importantly has been taking her diaper off way too often. So, before I attach a carpet cleaner bottle to her waist permanently, I thought I would try to potty train her.

As the OCD person that I am I did my research and read from the 3 day method to the let them tell you when they are ready method. I think the more I read the more confused I became. Give candy as reward, don't give food as reward, feed them salty and watery food, feed them as you would regularly... etc. etc etc. Needless to say that Isadora is not potty trained but she actually had a "potty nightmare" last night. LOL! She woke up screaming "Isa potty, pee pee & poo poo, MAMA!!!!" (OK at 5am the screaming was not funny especially since she didn't want to leave the bathroom and wanted to watch the potty like a hawk. I think I potty traumatized my daughter!)

Part of my potty training method included not leaving the house for the day so we could visit the potty as often as possible. However, we ran out of things to do pretty fast. I was looking through "pinterest" (my new obsession) and found this great recipe to do teething biscuits with unused baby cereal. I had plenty of baby cereal that Isadora didn't want and what better than a sugarless healthy cookie?

I adapted the recipe from the Imprintalish Blog. I am not sure about this blogger but my cookies were more than bland and not even the dog would eat them. I did change the banana for apple sauce so maybe it made the cookies a little flavorless.  I will share them with the daycare person and maybe the babies there will love them (or not but at least they will be out of the house). Even though the cookies were not delicious, we spent an awesome time together. However, we will be giving potty training a rest for a couple of weeks so I am off to buy more carpet cleaner.

 She tried the dough and hated it! :)
 She made some of the cookies herself
The final product! I only had snowflakes and Frankenstein cookie cutters LOL!

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