Thursday, June 14, 2012

Creativity Goes Beyond Arts and Crafts

As an ARMY wife with a 3rd time time deployed hubby, I have gotten use to being creative and doing many things on my own. One of the most challenging task has been traveling alone with my toddler. Keep in mind that I am a little anal  (my hubby would say a LOT!) and that is no different when it comes to traveling. I was stressing out from the moment I booked my tickets until I got to my final destination. I have been traveling with Isadora since before she was even 3 months old but I had always done it with the hubby. Also, babies are not mobile so running like a maniac in the airplane was not a worry of mine.

To Puerto Rico (6mnths) when we could still carry her

Ok... so I survived my trip with flying colors and I thought that any little thing I learned was worth sharing because it may prevent someone from getting an ulcer, heart attack or look like they just came out of a storm.

I decided to purchase a seat for Isadora and believe me it was the best decision in the world. I couldn't imaging my 14 month old staying on my lap for the entire trip. But the moment I bought the seat I knew I needed to bring my car seat. "Oh SHIT!!!  (that was my first thought) How I am going to carry Isadora, diaper bag, car seat and stroller?!" So my research to compact my items began. My main goal was to bring as many necessary things as possible in the least amount of space. Does this sounds familiar? I think this is what we do every time we take our kids anywhere.

1. First problem: how to carry the car seat and stroller without dropping my baby? Solution: I have a huge car seat that is heavy and has no freaking handle to move from one place to the other. But I LOVE it! So after visiting numerous blogs I found the perfect solution to my car seat and stroller problem. I bought a Go Go Kidz Travel Mate ( I haven't been paid by them to advertise their product but I would do it for free anytime).

The Go Go Kidz was super easy to install and it worked as a stroller. It was better because it was way more comfortable. During security check in I didn't have to take the car seat out so it was a breeze. It also fits in the aisle of coach so it made boarding a lot better. (However, I didn't figure this out until I was leaving the last airplane on my way home). Having the car seat in the airplane was great because Isadora stayed in it and took a nap without any fussing. She knows that she is not supposed to get out of the car seat when she is in it so it transfer nicely to the airplane.

2. Second Problem: What should I bring? Solution: Forget diaper bags. I took a backpack that was medium size (so it fit nicely under the seat in front of me). I t didn't kill my back or kept falling off my shoulder.

On the backpack I carried:

1. finger foods -- snacks that are easy for her to eat, are fun and are not super messy. Also, snacks that you can give one by one or can take her awhile to eat =)
2. small books -- we always take one new and her favorite book. You never know what she is in the mood for.
3. Legos/Blocks -- I put a handful of Legos in a Ziplock bag to keep her busy.
4.Computer with DVD -- pick your poison
5. Sippy Cup -- bring it empty and ask for whatever drink your child is in the mood for in the airplane.
6. Diapers -- one for every hour
7. Wipes
8. Extra clothe for her and me -- for her I tried to bring one-piece pieces if possible because they take less space and are easier to put on. For me I just bring an extra shirt and hope that my pants miss the action.
9. Paci, blankie -- whatever is her safety object
10. Disinfectant
11. Energy bars for me -- with a toddler sometimes is hard to get any food, especially if you are anxious about the flight. Energy bars will keep you going but are easy to eat with one hand, one finger or in a rush.
12. Coloring book and a few crayons (3-4)
13. Eggs with surprises - I saved some of the Easter eggs and fill them with chocolate or fun toys that she can open once in a while. However, these are my "prevent a meltdown" toy.
14. Something for you to get entertained -- if you are lucky your baby will take a nap so you may have a few minutes for you. I either download an e-book or a movie. Something that is not extra to carry but already in my computer or Ipad.

Few unsolicited advice:
I try to fly as early as possible. I know this time is when Isadora is in her best behavior and is more likely to take a nap.

Before boarding the airplane I try to find an indoor playground at the airport and let Isadora burn some energy. Most airports have one and if they don't you can find an empty gate area and let her play, climb, etc.

I try to divide the distractions in three: boarding toys, during fly toys and landing toys. I am constantly offering food and drinks. I use an overnight diaper so I don't have to change her diaper unless she poops. I always try to not get her out of her car seat because I know as soon as I do that it will be a pain to put her back in. In a flight of 2.5 hrs is possible to keep her in her seat for the entire time. However, flying to Puerto Rico it is very hard (flew there and we had to walk down the aisle). Make friends with the flight attendants from the beginning that way they become your allies. If all else fails bring a bag of cheap ear plugs and hand them out. =) People will at least laugh.

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